Sunday, January 30, 2011

4 Months

It's been a while since my last post, but due to the poor showing in comments, I decided to dramatically pause before the next writing. My vote obviously goes to Bridget - like I said, Tom won Super Bowls with her. After thinking about it for some time, I have elected not to get Chewy.

Yes, he is adorable, and yes I'm pretty sure we've all seen Chewy because I've been obsessed for the better part of the last week - look at him! But realistically I cannot own a dog. That's all I'll say.

The real purpose of this blog is that the time has finally come where work has absorbed my outside life too. Mid conversation on Friday night, I found myself spacing out and thinking about Cytogenetics. It's not as bad as when I went through my Tetris addiction and spent all day mentally arranging everything from cars on the highway (not safe), items at the grocery story or people on the street, but nonetheless, Path reports infiltrating my thoughts on a weekend is not a good sign. That said, the conversation ended pretty soon after because I quickly realized I was more intrigued by 13q deletions than whoever I was talking to.

To make matters worse, I was waiting for the Red line on Saturday morning. Looking up and down the platform while anxiously waiting for class (school on Saturday = not cool), I was convinced I saw JRB waiting for a train! Now that's unlikely because we all know if in fact JRB took the T, she wouldn't be waiting for it, but they would schedule around her - she's that awesome! I brushed it off and inevitably shifted my thinking to:

How excited is everyone for the Yawkey Center? I'm stoked! Which then shifted my train of thought:

Hunk of the day - Henrik Lundqvist, goalie for the New York Rangers. Without doing too much research due to hunger issues, I'll tell you he is a standout Swedish goaltender. Leading his nation to a gold medal at the Turin games in 2006, Henrik is known around the league (and specifically at home) as one of the best looking and sharpest men in the game. On several occasions, he was voted best dressed and even graced the list of People's 100 most beautiful people several years ago.

I also think that is a skinny-tie. Makes him that much dreamier. Happy Sunday!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Proud to be from Massachusetts

In honor of Massachusetts, I have compiled a photo montage of famous actors from the greatest state in the US. I hope this ignites some healthy discussion as to who the cream of the crop is. I have done my best to include specific gentlemen for everyone. And in doing my research, discovered that the original pink Power Ranger (Amy Jo Johnson - my first love) was born on the Cape!

In alphabetical order:
Let the discussion begin. Oh and one more:
My vote goes to Bridget. Jury is still out - Tom won Super Bowls with her.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Ugly Sweater

I can't find a Christmas sweater! Whitney, if you happen to read this and wouldn't mind knitting a holiday themed, somewhat classy and warm pull over, I would really appreciate it. I searched high and low last night - Gabby's stomping grounds in Cambridge, Garment District (it was closed), TJ-Maxx - needed fresh white T's too - but can't find a sweater anywhere. AHH!

This is a good outlet for me to vent a little bit regarding next week, although I'm sure I'll bring it up again come Tuesday. My favorite, JB, is away all week :( This is the saddest I've been since Hazel told us that she doesn't work on Monday's. How's that for brown-nosing? Anyway, moral of the story - I'm going to miss JB this week.

Sports fans out there, the NHL's annual Winter Classic pits rivals Pittsburgh and Washington against each other in what has become the most exciting battle over the last few years. Young studs Sidney Crosby and Alexander Ovechkin are the faces of the league and are immense talents who we all hope will stay healthy for years to come and ignite new passion in hockey viewers and ultimately revive the sport (which they already have done to an extent). HBO features a program called 24/7 in which they provide exceptional background access into practices, travel, games, family lives etc., in the weeks leading up to their New Years' day clash at Heinz Field in the 'Burgh. Check it out if you have a chance, Wednesday nights I believe but there are re-runs all the time.

Thoughts on Steve Yzerman - one of my top two favorite hockey players of all time (Mario Lemieux is the other). I've always thought he is a great looking guy. Good looking wife, three daughters so definitely a solid family man. Played for Detroit his entire career, which is the quality I respect most in athletes. He came into the league (top picture) as an incredible young talent who produced points with the elite of the NHL, but ultimately the Red Wings produced great seasons, but no playoff success for nearly a decade. He transformed his play into a more leader-esque style (he was named captain at age 21 - his second season) and watched his personal production taper, but brought the team to dynastic status, which they still embrace today - 15 years running.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Speedo Santa

Next year Lymphoma team - start planning...

Saturday Morning Thoughts

A few topics worth discussing this morning. I just came back from a brisk and refreshing bike ride and have come to the conclusion that I need to buy a winter hat. Short, thin hair definitely helped the aerodynamic effects, but now my head is cold and that's probably not good. Why did I go out so early you may be asking? Well, it's simple...Speedo Santa run coming up in a few hours and I wanted to be ready to watch that!

After work yesterday, I had a pleasant dinner with my mom, who snuck up to Boston and didn't me tell on Thursday - well, maybe she tried calling, but I was, umm, tied up. She left and I made it home to find that Cat finished decorating the tree!

I'll buy lunch on Tuesday for whoever guesses what I was watching at the time of this photo.

Lastly, I watched Meet Joe Black last night. Clearly, I'm still in this ongoing love-affair with Brad Pitt. Thoughts on the movie: Anthony Hopkins gives a very heartfelt and powerful performance, no denying it. Brad Pitt's hair, not that cool. And the woman who plays Susan has similar prominent facial features to Angelina Jolie - interesting. Strong, defined lips; big, radiant eyes - but obviously not the same stage presence.

Better looking of the two? My vote is with Jonathan Toews (on the left). He was drafted 3rd overall in the 2006 draft, won Rookie of the Year honors and then was named team captain in his second NHL season. On the right, Patrick Kane was drafted 1st overall in the 2007 draft. He is the more talented of the two but has a brief history of getting himself in trouble with local authorities in his hometown of Buffalo (who doesn't pay for a cab?). They are both 22 years old with Toews roughly 6 months olders. Kane scored the Stanley Cup clinching goal last year in the Finals in what can only be described as a confused, Joe Buckesque, slightly awkward moment...

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Pilot Post

On this the 7th day of December, we enter a world full of excitement, camaraderie, gossip and procrastination. This judgment-free blog will connect all of us in the group with things that are relevant and noteworthy in fields including, but not limited to: sports, food, television, board games, drinks, work-appropriate-weekend-stories, knitting and basically anything else that warrants discussion.

Following last night's butt-kicking by the Patriots, I'm at a loss for words as to how incredible watching (and/or freezing at) that game was. Mark Sanchez officially displayed his best Peyton/Eli Manning confused face and Tom Brady is now a Super Bowl victory away from reaffirming that he is in fact a God among men. In other football news, my fantasy team hit a bump in the road this week and dropped to second place. Tough pill to swallow but it's all about performing in the playoffs so I'll redeem myself then. Has the Lymphoma group forgiven Michael Vick - vote?

Song of the week: Mat Kearney - Annie

Hockey fans out there, the Bruins just pulled out and unconvincing victory against Buffalo and continue to chug along, not too far off the pace in the Northeast division. Sidney Crosby is a man possessed the last 3 weeks and the hockey news of the week is that Detroit and Pittsburgh seem destined for a repeat matchup in the finals, would be 3 out of the last 4 years.

On to television. I started this week by watching Minority Report. Given, it's an older movie but after watching Virtuosity last week, I have to admit that late 90's and early 2000's were packed with many fantastically strange movies that pitted top echelon actors in really uninspiring and somewhat silly roles. Then again, Johnny Depp has made a career of it so who am I to judge? For the religious TV watchers in the group, throw out some ideas for good shows to start watching. I've been holding out since The Wire and have yet to devote a day to Boardwalk Empire.

Keeping it simple this week: Hugh Jackman. Cons in this picture - Needs a little more tan, shoulder vein;  Pros - Great beard and legit pecs.